Leeder Hunting outfitters is a premier hunting guide for Elk in Nevada and Utah. Our guided elk hunts begin in late August with archery season that and runs through mid September. Rifle and muzzleloader seasons for elk begin in mid September and run through early December. During our early season elk hunts, we will be pursuing large, bugling bulls during the rut. The late season hunts are spent searching in quiet, out of the way places for secluded bulls.
Trophy quality for elk is excellent in both Utah and Nevada. Hunters can plan on seeing and likely harvesting a bull that would make any elk hunter’s dreams come true.
All of our trophy bull elk tags are acquired through the lottery system. Permit applications are due in February for Utah and March for Nevada.
Accommodations during our elk hunts in Utah and Nevada will likely be in RV camp trailers.
Contact me to learn more about our guided elk hunts.
Shad Leeder